The Octopus is a captivating TV show set in Italy, revolving around a former cop who becomes entangled in a dangerous investigation involving organized crime, secret plots, and a web of conspiracy. As he delves deeper into the truth, he faces personal loss, betrayal, and a fight for justice.
In the aftermath of a cop's murder, a detective is determined to seek revenge and uncovers a network of corruption in Detroit.
A painter seeks revenge on those who persecuted her, leading to a series of gruesome events. As she returns to her childhood home, she confronts her brother, sister, and mother-daughter relationship that haunts her. With hallucinations and a ghostly presence, she takes revenge on the serial killer who destroyed her life.
In 1861, a former police detective boards a train to Baltimore, Maryland, where he discovers a plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln during his upcoming inauguration. With the help of a Pinkerton detective, he must race against time to stop the assassination and save the President's life.
A prostitute sets out to frame a cop.
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