Buffalo Soldiers is a dark comedy that tells the story of an army soldier stationed in Stuttgart, Germany during the Cold War. He becomes involved in drug dealing, organized crime, and an affair with an unfaithful wife. The film explores themes of corruption, loyalty, and the struggle to survive in a military environment.
Don't Forget You're Going to Die is a provocative drama that follows a man who is forced to confront his own mortality. As he navigates his way through the taboo subjects of sex, drugs, and death, he begins to question his own values and beliefs. The film explores themes of identity, friendship, and the human condition in a thought-provoking and emotionally charged way.
Me, a Groupie is a 1970 drama film about a young woman who becomes infatuated with a rock star and gets caught up in a dangerous lifestyle involving drugs, prostitution, and obsession. As she navigates the world of sexploitation and rock and roll, she finds herself entangled with a biker gang and faced with the consequences of her choices.
A mix between "Schoolgirl Report" and "Christiane F.".
Dan and Gretchen, a couple with a secretive past and a failing relationship, rent a guest house from another couple in California's San Fernando Valley. But jealousy and betrayal turn a casual friendship into a game of manipulation and deception.
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