For All Mankind is a TV show set in an alternate history where the global space race never ended. It explores the lives of NASA astronauts and their families as they strive to dominate space exploration. The show delves into the personal and professional challenges they face during the space race, as well as the political and social implications of their actions.
A Gay Victorian Affair is a gay fantasia of historical homosexual hanky panky. Set in Victorian England, the series follows Lord Reginald and Lady Vanessa Favershum, a gay man and lesbian woman who enter into a marriage of convenience in order to keep their true desires a secret – and then they help each other hook up. It’s Downton Abbey meets Queer As Folk as Reginald and Vanessa manœuvre through sexual escapades and dangerous secrecy, knowing that the slightest slip up could cause their entire world to come crashing down.
The Seamstress is a tragic period film set in 1930s Brazil, following the story of a strong female protagonist who faces societal intolerance, poverty, and the challenges of being part of the LGBT community. The film delves into the complex relationships between sisters, the struggle for acceptance, and the tragic consequences of homophobia. Through the narrative, it explores themes of loneliness, suffering, and the strength of the human spirit.
An art thief tries to double cross his gangster boss.
The heirs of two Cypriot winemakers and sworn rivals visit incognito the city of Paphos to flee from two arranged marriages of convenience, only to meet and fall in love. Is this a star-crossed affair in the likes of Romeo and Juliet?
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