The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is a hilarious and thought-provoking documentary that tackles the controversial world of advertising. Directed by Morgan Spurlock, the film explores the impact of advertising on our lives and how it influences the creation and distribution of entertainment. With a humorous and insightful approach, Spurlock delves into the world of product placement and the power of brand partnerships. Through a series of interviews and experiments, he exposes the inner workings of the advertising industry while raising important questions about the ethics and effectiveness of marketing strategies.
Follow the life and achievements of Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur and inventor who is transforming the world with his innovative ideas and groundbreaking companies. From co-founding Tesla Motors and SpaceX to his ambitious goal of colonizing Mars, discover the extraordinary journey of a man determined to change the future of humanity.
Lisbon, Portugal, 1927. The writer and journalist Fernando Pessoa accepts from his boss the commission to create an advertising slogan for the drink Coca-Louca; but conservative government authorities consider the new drink as revolutionary as it is diabolical.
United States, September 1st, 2016. American football player Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem, protesting police brutality against black people. Part of the population regards the gesture as an unacceptable affront to the flag. Later, he loses his place on his team. Today, however, he is considered by many as a true hero.
On an English farm, six reckless children play at being a fierce band of Apache warriors, unaware of the many dangers to which they are exposed. (Public information short film produced on behalf of the British Government to warn children living in rural areas about the risks of playing near farm machinery.)
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