Smarty is a comedy movie set in 1930s New York City. The storyline revolves around a woman who divorces her first husband and finds herself in various hilarious situations. From dealing with a cunning divorce judge to getting involved in a contract bridge game argument, she experiences the ups and downs of love, deception, frustration, and remorse. With elements of farce comedy and romantic rivalry, Smarty is a pre-code film that showcases the social norms and high society of the prohibition era.
The Babysitter is a 1969 crime thriller film that centers around a teenage girl who becomes entangled with a dangerous motorcycle gang. As she navigates her questionable relationships and dangerous circumstances, the story takes a thrilling turn with murder, infidelity, and blackmail.
A Russian waiter in New York City becomes a national celebrity after he develops a "system" for winning at contract bridge.
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