In 2020, the world was hit by a deadly pandemic known as COVID-19. This documentary follows the stories of healthcare workers in New York City as they battle the virus and face numerous challenges. From overcrowded hospitals to shortages of medical supplies, the first wave of the pandemic puts a strain on the healthcare system and exposes the social inequities within it.
Snapshots of the tumults of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Don and Nicky journey to the big city one night, and pick up two trashy girls who smoke cigarettes and--even worse--wear eye makeup, so naturally they have sex. The next night Don, newly un-virginized, persuades his girlfriend Betty to have sex with him, too. Soon Don and Nicky discover that they have sores and itching "down there", and Don goes to see the school doctor. He is told that he has syphilis, and to tell Betty and have her get examined. It turns out she has syphilis, too. Can their disease, caused by Don's outrageous behavior--which, as the doctor sternly notes, "is condemned by society"--be successfully treated in time?
A doctor remembers back to the summer of 1963 when he was a freewheeling and irresponsible high school senior. What made him change his life to want to become a doctor? A condensed version of the Davis-produced feature film V.D. (1961) with added footage.
Remember Lynn. You will see her again. The legendary Herk Harvey (CARNIVAL OF SOULS) knows how to bring fear to a small town. Fear, here, arrives with two initials: the letter "V" and the letter "D" (and I think we all know what that means). Unfortunately, Lynn falls for the wrong guy. Things go a bit too far after their date at the dance. What could happen? Enough, if you're not careful.
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