Delete History is a comedy-drama movie that explores the repercussions of digital footprints in the modern world. It follows the lives of various characters whose personal information and embarrassing moments are exposed online. The film reflects on the societal issues of consumerism, online harassment, and social decay, while highlighting the increasing power of technology and artificial intelligence in our lives.
The Flaw is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the complexities of the financial crisis, examining the factors that led to its occurrence and the impact it had on individuals and society as a whole. Through interviews with economists, bankers, and everyday citizens, the film provides a comprehensive analysis of the flawed economic and regulatory systems that contributed to the crisis, shedding light on the need for reform and accountability.
Emmy-winning journalist Danny Schechter investigates America's mounting debt crisis in this latest hard-hitting expose. The film reveals the unknown cabal of credit card companies, lobbyists, media conglomerates and the Bush administration itself who have colluded to deregulate the lending industry, ensuring that a culture of credit dependency can flourish. Schechter exposes the hidden financial and political complex that allows the lowest wage earners to indebt themselves so heavily that even house repossessions are commonplace.
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