Séraphine follows the life of Séraphine de Senlis, a simple maid working in a small town in France. Unbeknownst to anyone, she has an extraordinary talent for painting. When a German art connoisseur discovers her work, Séraphine's life takes a dramatic turn as she becomes a celebrated artist. However, her success is short-lived as the Great Depression hits, causing financial problems for her and her art dealer. As her mental state deteriorates, she is eventually admitted to an insane asylum.
The Angels' Share is a comedy crime drama set in Scotland. Robbie, a young ex-convict, learns about the world of whiskey and hatches a plan to steal valuable whiskey from a distillery. Along with his friends, he navigates through challenges and obstacles to carry out the heist. This uplifting movie explores themes of redemption, friendship, and second chances.
In 'Bedtime Story,' a con man and a gigolo find themselves in a romantic rivalry as they both vie for the attention and affections of a wealthy woman on the French Riviera. With plenty of twists and turns, the two use their charm and cunning to win her over, leading to a hilarious and entertaining battle of wits.
Brash young Hollywood talent agent Josh Ross (David Moscow) is dispatched to Guatemala, where he's assigned to locate missing star Jack Palladin (Ben Gazzara), a man Josh has never met but can't stand due to Palladin's long-ago relationship with his late mother. Despite receiving no help from the amused locals, Josh eventually finds his target hiding out as a cook at a restaurant but discovers that persuading the reluctant actor to return to Hollywood will be an uphill climb. Talia Shire costars in this independent comedy.
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