In Blue Sunshine, a horrifying epidemic causes people to go bald and become homicidal maniacs. The story follows a man who discovers that the epidemic is linked to a drug he took in college, and he must find a way to stop it before it destroys him and everyone he knows. Enter a world of drug-induced paranoia, political campaigns, and disco dancing as the protagonist races against time to solve the mystery and save himself.
A dying young girl named Charlotte befriends a man named Patrick while living out her last six weeks. Charlotte is an heiress who was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and Patrick is a struggling man who takes her under his wing. Together, they form a special bond as they navigate the ups and downs of life in New York City. The story explores themes of love, hope, and the beauty of living in the face of death.
Will Rogers plays a lazy man who is chosen by a group of men to run for Congress.
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