Guiding Light is a drama-filled soap opera that follows the lives of the residents in a small town. The show explores various themes such as romance, social issues, scandals, and intrigue. It also delves into topics like marriage, divorce, custody battles, and murder. With its long run, Guiding Light has become an iconic television show that has captivated audiences for years.
The Jerry Springer Show is a cult TV show known for its controversial topics and audience participation. It features interviews and discussions on various subjects, often involving heated arguments and confrontations. The show gained notoriety for its bleeped dialogue, chanting audience, and its famous line 'Jerry! Jerry!' It has been airing since 1991 and continues to be a guilty pleasure for many viewers.
Sonic in a high-octane adventure where the fate of a strange new multiverse rests in his gloved hands.
When his girlfriend suddenly disappears, a university student and his friend are pulled into a dangerous alternate gaming universe. They have to use their superior problem-solving skills and intellect to win challenges and advance to the next level. Can they find Qing Zhi in time and make it out alive?
Aqua Teen Hunger Force follows the surreal and absurd adventures of anthropomorphic fast food items - Master Shake the milkshake, Frylock the French fries, and Meatwad the meatball - as they live in New Jersey and encounter various characters and situations. The show combines humor, satire, and supernatural elements to create a unique and offbeat comedy experience.
Sisters Maila and Natalie have different approach to their mother, Onay who has Achondroplasia. Maila is a nice and attentive daughter, while Nataile is arrogant and disobedient. Besides their different upbringing, they have a different father as well.
The Yard is a TV show that takes place in a women's prison, focusing on the lives and experiences of various prisoners. It explores themes of crime, drama, violence, and relationships within the prison.
Gordon Ramsay travels to failing restaurants and helps the owners to turn their businesses around.
Underworld: Blood Wars tells the story of Selene, a vampire death dealer, as she fights to protect the vampire race from the vicious Lycans. When she discovers that a new enemy has emerged, Selene must form an alliance with David and Thomas to stop a powerful and ancient foe. As the war between vampires and Lycans escalates, Selene faces betrayal, conspiracies, and a fight for her own survival.
Impulse follows the story of a teenage girl named Henry who has the ability to teleport. As she learns to control her powers, she faces various obstacles and threats. The show explores themes of identity, trauma, and self-discovery.
A lawyer accidentally receives key evidence to a politically motivated crime, making him a target of corrupt politicians and the NSA. He teams up with an underground journalist and a retired NSA agent to clear his name and expose the truth.
In 1950s London, Reynolds Woodcock, a renowned dressmaker, finds his fastidious life disrupted by Alma, a young and strong-willed woman who becomes his muse and lover.
Barry Egan, a socially frustrated man, calls a phone-sex line to combat loneliness. However, his actions result in trouble that threatens his budding romance with Lena.
Cheaters is a reality TV show that follows a team of detectives as they confront individuals suspected of infidelity. Through the use of hidden cameras, the show captures confrontations between the suspected cheaters and their partners, exposing the truth behind the relationships. With bleeped swearing and blurred faces, Cheaters offers a thrilling and dramatic look into the world of infidelity.
A married man has a one-night stand with a woman who becomes obsessed with him, leading to a series of dangerous events.
A divorced woman named Rachel is terrorized by a psychopath after a road incident that ignites his unstable and aggressive behavior. As the attacks escalate, Rachel must fight for her life and protect her son from the ruthless stalker.
A Chinese man visits Rome and gets caught in a conflict between the Chinese Mafia and a local crime boss. He must use his martial arts skills to fight for honor and protect those he cares about.
In 1893, a young Irish couple travels to the United States, facing suspicion of murder and other challenges as they strive to build a new life in a rapidly changing country.