Desperate Housewives follows the lives of four women as they navigate the challenges and secrets of suburban life, including murder, infidelity, and dark secrets. The show explores topics such as friendship between women, marital problems, and the battle of the sexes. With a satirical take on soap operas, Desperate Housewives offers a mix of comedy and drama.
Gossip Girl follows the lives of a group of privileged teenagers from the Upper East Side of New York City, as they face peer pressure, betrayal, and the complexities of love and friendship. The series explores themes of materialism, social climbing, and the struggles of growing up in a high society.
Gilmore Girls follows the story of Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, a mother-daughter pair who share an unbreakable bond. Living in the idyllic town of Stars Hollow, they navigate the complexities of family, romance, and their eccentric community while cherishing their unique friendship.
Ugly Betty follows the story of Betty Suarez, a smart and ambitious young woman from Queens, New York, who lands a job at a prestigious fashion magazine in Manhattan. Despite facing constant challenges and dealing with office politics, Betty remains determined to succeed and showcases her unique style and talent in a cutthroat industry.
In 2006-2007, a group of investors discovers the flawed and corrupt US mortgage market and decides to bet against it. Led by hedge fund millionaire Michael Burry, they uncover the truth about subprime loans and create a credit default swap market. As the 2008 financial crisis approaches, they face opposition from banks and risk assessors. Despite warnings and skepticism, their bets pay off, leading to the collapse of the housing market and massive profits for those involved.
After a car crash, a journalist's husband goes missing, leading her to uncover a government agency's falsified records. As she delves deeper into the investigation, she discovers a hidden message in an airplane crash in the mountains, revealing a conflict of interest within the agency. With the help of a drone and her knowledge of computer security, she unravels the truth.
Too Big to Fail is a movie based on true events surrounding the financial crisis of 2008. It portrays the events that led to the collapse of major financial institutions and the efforts made by government officials and financial executives to prevent the collapse of the American economy.
In the early 1980s, a deadly new virus called HIV begins spreading among the gay community, causing panic and fear. Scientists and doctors at the Centers for Disease Control work tirelessly to understand and contain the virus, while facing challenges from government officials, conflicting interests, and societal prejudices.
When a widower's estranged daughter invites him to spend Christmas together, he embarks on a journey filled with unexpected adventures and reunites with his true family.
The matchmaker Lucy Marks meets a handsome businessman and immediately feels a spark, but that spark is ruined when she learns he is her newest client.
In 2010, a doctor in France discovers that a popular diet pill called Mediator has severe health risks. She fights against the pharmaceutical company and the medical system to expose the truth and protect public health.
A man finds himself on trial for murder but can't remember anything about the crime. He seeks help from his defense attorney to unravel the mystery and prove his innocence.
Entranced Earth is a surreal drama set in a fictitious Latin American country, depicting the political corruption and abuse of power. The story follows a journalist who becomes entangled in a web of treachery and conflict-of-interest as he investigates the corruption within the government and the corporation backing the political candidate. The film explores themes of amorality, violence, and the struggle for power in a poverty-stricken society.
The Silence is a TV show about a deaf actress who witnesses a murder, which leads to a police conspiracy and a web of secrecy. She is in witness protection and must navigate the criminal investigation while dealing with her overprotective mother and the dangers of testifying against organized crime. The series explores themes of fear, conflict of interest, corruption, and family relationships.
Fed Up (2014) is a powerful documentary that delves into the food industry's manipulative tactics, the prevalence of processed foods, and the alarming rise of obesity. Through interviews with experts, the film reveals how corporate greed, political lobbying, and misleading marketing have contributed to the public health crisis. It also provides a call to action for individuals to take control of their own nutrition and make informed choices for a healthier future.
The New Watchdogs explores the role of the media in shaping public opinion and the ethical dilemmas faced by journalists. It delves into issues like self-censorship, media concentration, and the corrupting influence of capitalism. Through interviews and archive footage, the documentary exposes the conflicts of interest and political debates that occur in the world of television journalism.
Indictment: The McMartin Trial is a gripping drama/thriller TV movie based on the true story of the infamous McMartin trial in Los Angeles, California. The film explores the devastating effects of suspected child abuse allegations and the ensuing justice system failure. It delves into themes of alleged pedophilia, paranoia, conflict of interest, and the sensationalist press frenzy that surrounded the case. The plot revolves around a preschool and the accusations of implied sexual abuse, with the story taking place in the backdrop of a front-page newspaper scandal. The movie highlights the struggles faced by the accused and the emotional toll it takes on the lives of innocent people.
Bitter Lake (2015) is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the intricate web of politics, manipulation, and control surrounding the conflicts in Afghanistan. With a focus on the Helmand Province, the film examines the oversimplification of the Afghan Civil War and its connection to September 11, 2001. Through a lens of fear and conflict-of-interest, it reveals the devastating consequences of the opium trade, the feedback loop of violence, and the role of the US in perpetuating the carnage. Bitter Lake exposes the influence of Gulf War politics, the arms industry, and financialization, shedding light on the impact of neoliberalism and the oil crisis. It uncovers the subterfuge, propaganda, and manipulation by Islamic fundamentalist groups and exposes the political myths perpetuated by the Big Lie. The film also explores the complex dynamics of assassination, the rise of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and the role of crony capitalism. Through a lens of religious movements, it examines the theological doctrine, religious intolerance, and fundamentalism in ultraconservative Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. Bitter Lake presents a compelling and eye-opening critique of the intertwined forces that have shaped Afghanistan and the global consequences of these events.
The President is a political drama based on a memoir of a French president. The story revolves around the political career and personal life of the president, including the challenges and scandals faced. It explores themes of corruption, power, and democracy in France during the 1950s.
When a man is charged with embezzlement, his wife must confront the truth about his actions and her own feelings of guilt and betrayal.