In this film-noir crime thriller, a tough police detective is tasked with protecting a murder witness on a train trip. However, they soon find themselves being pursued by relentless assassins. As they race against time, they must navigate through deception, danger, and hidden identities to ensure their survival.
In '400 Days,' a group of astronauts are chosen to participate in a simulated space mission in order to test the psychological effects of deep space travel. As the days go by, tensions rise, and the line between what is real and what is part of the simulation becomes increasingly blurred. As they struggle to maintain their sanity, the astronauts begin to question the true purpose of their mission and what might await them upon their return to Earth. Will they ever escape the confines of their simulated spacecraft?
In Expiration, a group of individuals are trapped in a confined space and must battle against infected creatures. The plot takes a twist as they discover the true nature of the medical test they are participating in.
Trapped in a box with no memory, a man must escape his confines before it's too late. As time runs out he comes closer to the truth of his identity.
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