Lillie is a captivating TV mini-series that explores the life of Lillie Langtry, a British actress and mistress of King Edward VII. The show delves into her tumultuous love life, including her loveless marriage and forbidden affairs. Set against the backdrop of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Lillie is a captivating journey through history, scandal, and high society.
In ancient China, the Emperor seeks to unify the warring states and build the Great Wall. However, his ambitious plans are threatened by political plots, cruelty, and treachery. As the Emperor's loyal assassin faces accusations of treason, he must navigate through a web of secrets, capture, and murder to protect his king.
The Happy Ending is a drama film about a bored housewife who embarks on a journey to find fulfillment and happiness in her life. She struggles with her unfaithful husband, substance abuse, and a failing marriage. Through various encounters and experiences, she learns to confront her own fears and redefine her identity.
Phaedra, a young woman, falls in love with her stepson, Hippolytus. Their passionate affair leads to a series of tragic events, including suicide and betrayal. Set against the backdrop of high society and Greek mythology, Phaedra explores themes of forbidden love, guilt, and fate.
Inspired by actual events. When Melissa Cooper's body is found hanging from a swing set, the 27-year-old's death is initially ruled a suicide. But two weeks later a young man, Adam, comes forward claiming he murdered Melissa on the orders of her husband, Daniel Cooper.
A tennis champ falls in with the Hollywood crowd, finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.
In A Knight for Vasoula, a young couple pretends to play the roles of a knight and a wealthy widow to inherit a fortune. However, their impersonation leads to misunderstandings and comedic situations. Can they keep up the act and secure their wealth?
Directed by Thorold Dickinson.
On the shores of Aulis, the Greeks prepare to attack Troy. But their ships are unable to set sail because the gods are holding back the winds necessary for departure. Agamemnon consults the oracle. The solution is tragic. To appease the goddess Artemis, whom he had offended, he must sacrifice his own daughter.
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