Fighting Spirit follows the story of Makunouchi Ippo, a shy high school student who is constantly bullied. One day, he is saved by a professional boxer and inspired to take up boxing himself. With an immense passion for the sport, Ippo joins a boxing gym and begins his journey to become a champion. Along the way, he faces numerous challenges, both inside and outside the ring, as he strives to prove himself and overcome his own limits.
Yan Poyue, a high school student who comes from a family of soldiers. He forgoes the university entrance examinations and joins the armed police force in order to prove his worth to his father.
Band of Brothers is a powerful and moving TV show that follows the journey of Easy Company, a group of soldiers in the 101st Airborne Division, from their training in the U.S. to their harrowing experiences on the front lines of World War II. The show explores the bonds of brotherhood, the horrors of war, and the resilience of the human spirit.
The Pacific is a dramatic miniseries that chronicles the experiences of three U.S. Marines during the Pacific campaign against the Japanese in World War II. As they navigate the brutal realities of war, they face violence, combat fatigue, death, and the challenges of comradeship in the face of adversity.
Juan "Johnny" Rico, a high school student living in Buenos Aires, joins the Federation military in the hope of following his love, Carmen, into space. He has to undergo harsh training to become a soldier, harsher than he expected, but despite several setbacks and traumatic experiences, Johnny perseveres and finishes his training. However, a war is brewing on the outer planets with a strange alien enemy and Johnny is thrust into the conflict.
In the comedy film Down Periscope, a misfit naval officer is given command of a nuclear submarine filled with a band of misfits. They must prove themselves while participating in a war game against a nemesis.
Stalingrad (1993) is a gripping movie that tells the story of the Battle of Stalingrad during World War II. It depicts the horrors of war, comradeship, and the struggles faced by soldiers in freezing conditions.
A travel writer decides to hike the 2,200-mile Appalachian Trail with a long-lost high school buddy. Along the way, they encounter wild animals, winter weather, and each other as they rediscover themselves and their friendship.
Greed in the Sun (1964) follows a group of comrades who are competing to secure a consignment of dollars. As they journey through the sun-drenched landscapes of France, they face double-crossings, belly dancers, heavy drinking, and damaged friendships. With crates, boulders, and revolvers in the mix, they must navigate their way through this thrilling and comedic adventure.
Eight Hours Don’t Make a Day is a TV show set in West Germany that depicts the everyday life of working-class factory workers. It explores social issues, workers' rights, family relationships, and the solidarity among comrades. The show also touches on German culture and the impact of the Deutsche Mark. Foosball, trade unions, and social problems are also central themes in the series.
Wang Yunshan is the leader of the Eighth Route Army Regiment. Although uneducated and hot tempered, he possess an extraordinary military mind. He dared to fight hard and taking an unorthodox strategy, he was able to win against the Japanese army.
In this comedy-drama, two high school students who are constantly bullied and tormented by their classmates decide to plan a revenge shooting at their school. The movie explores themes of hatred, revenge, and the consequences of bullying. Through a mockumentary-style format, the film delves into the psychological torment and isolation experienced by the two protagonists as they struggle with their self-esteem and feelings of being out of control. With a handheld camera and found footage, the movie captures their journey of rebellion and the devastating effects it has on their lives.
During World War II, a German soldier struggles with his allegiance to the Nazi regime and forms unexpected friendships amidst the chaos of war.
During World War I, a group of British soldiers find themselves lost in the desert, facing not only the harsh environment but also the constant threat of ambush from the enemy. Their struggles include dealing with limited supplies, desertion within their own ranks, and the constant fear and uncertainty of their situation.
In Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, a group of bomber pilots embark on a secret mission to attack Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack. They face numerous challenges and dangers as they fly over the ocean and carry out their mission.
In the midst of the first Indochina War in 1954, the 317th platoon of French soldiers find themselves behind enemy lines in the treacherous jungle. As they struggle to survive, tensions rise and comradeship is put to the test.
In the final year of World War I, a group of soldiers experience the harsh realities of war, including death, injury, and the toll it takes on their mental and emotional well-being. The film explores the bonds of comradeship and the devastating effects of war on both soldiers and civilians.
Comradeship is a drama film set in a coal mine in northern France during World War I. It tells the story of a group of miners who work together to overcome challenges such as explosions, floods, and cave-ins. The film explores themes of trust, friendship, and the importance of teamwork.
La Marseillaise is a 1938 French historical drama film directed by Jean Renoir, depicting the French Revolution and the creation of the national anthem. It follows the journey of a group of patriots fighting for freedom and equality against the oppressive monarchy.