The Orville (2017) is set in the distant future where humanity has achieved a utopian society. The show follows the crew of the starship Orville as they navigate through space, encounter alien species, and tackle various humorous and satirical situations. The main protagonist, Captain Ed Mercer, leads his crew in exploring new planets, engaging in space battles, and dealing with social and cultural clashes. The show combines elements of adventure, comedy, drama, and fantasy to create an entertaining and thought-provoking viewing experience.
Dark Matter is a TV show set in a dystopian future where a group of strangers wake up on a spaceship with no memory of who they are. They must work together to uncover their past, survive in a dangerous universe, and confront the evil corporation that erased their memories.
Captain Future is a sci-fi adventure series based on a novel. It follows the story of Captain Future, a hero who travels through space and battles enemies, displaying heroism and comradery. The show is known for its cult following and unique animation style.
Resting Place is a drama set in a small community in 1972 Georgia, USA. When a decorated African-American war hero is found dead, an army officer is assigned to investigate. The investigation uncovers racial tensions and intolerance within the community, leading to a breaking of taboos and a search for justice.
During World War I, a flying ace struggles with the horrors of war and the love-hate relationship between him and his fellow soldiers. As he becomes a war hero on the battlefield, he is faced with the devastating consequences of his actions.
Cliff Truckee refuses a privileged start in life at a top college while other young men are enlisting. On the bus out of Chicago he meets a girl on her way to join the Marines, falls in love and decides to do the same. Paris Island is physically tough, but it is troubles that are brought from home that endanger some recruits success, in an extreme case even a life. Team bonding is changing Cliff, but so can a broken heart.
New World Disorder is an intense action thriller that takes place in a high-tech world of criminal hackers and FBI agents. It revolves around a dangerous partnership, a valuable computer chip, and a detective's race against time to bring the criminals to justice. With twists and turns at every corner, this movie keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.
Young Warriors is a 1983 action thriller film about a group of college students who form a vigilante group to seek revenge after one of their own is raped and murdered. They embark on a mission to take down a gang responsible for the crime, leading to a series of intense confrontations and moral dilemmas. The film explores themes of justice, vigilantism, and the consequences of violence.
During World War Two, an Italian soldier joins the resistance movement to fight against the fascist regime and the occupying German army, showcasing acts of heroism and camaraderie.
Military-Comedy. Sequel to "Boetie gaan border toe". Boetie (Translated into English as 'Buddy' or "Brother") wants to win his girlfriend Liza back, who just dumped him. With the help of some money, he engineers that she is assigned as reporter to the planned manoeuvres, where he would love to impress her. However, things turn out different as Buddy and his comrades are assigned to do the manual labour during the manoeuvres, and the arrogant Captain humiliating them turns out to be Liza's new boyfriend. But when a bunch of criminal madmen disturb the manoeuvre and take a hostage, it is up to Buddy and his comrades to rescue the hostage, their honour - and the girl's love.
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