My 600-lb Life is a reality TV show that follows the lives of individuals struggling with extreme obesity. Viewers witness as they embark on a journey to lose weight and improve their health. The show focuses on the challenges they face, including their physical and emotional struggles, as well as their relationship with food. With the help of renowned surgeon Dr. Nowzaradan, the participants undergo gastric bypass surgery and must commit to a strict diet and exercise program in order to achieve their weight loss goals.
Swallow is a psychological drama-horror film about a young housewife named Hunter who develops a rare condition called pica, causing her to compulsively swallow dangerous objects. As she struggles with her mental health and a controlling husband, Hunter's uncontrollable desires escalate. The film explores themes of obsession, self-harm, and the search for freedom.
Bullets Over Broadway (1994) is a postmodern comedy crime movie set in 1920s New York City. It follows a playwright who faces challenges in bringing his Broadway play to the stage due to interference from a mafia boss and his own complicated romantic relationships. With elements of metafiction and urban comedy, the film explores themes of talent, love, and the struggles of the creative process.
A psycho is stalking the students at an exclusive girls' school.
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