Follow Me, Boys! is a heartwarming drama that follows a dedicated scoutmaster in a small town. With themes of family relationships, generational connections, and the resilience of the human spirit, this movie takes us on a journey through decades, even during the challenging times of World War Two. It explores the importance of scouting, the impact of war, and the power of community.
Stephanie Daley is a 16-year-old high school student who becomes pregnant and is accused of killing her newborn baby. A forensic psychologist and a female psychologist both try to uncover the truth behind the tragedy. As the investigation unfolds, Stephanie's past and her relationships with her boyfriend, her father, and her friends are revealed, leading to a media frenzy and a high-profile trial.
Story of a well-to-do elderly woman, who befriends the homeless and volunteers her time with children, who learns she has an incurable illness and wants desperately to reunite her three grown grand children (who are scattered across the U.S. living their own lives), with their estranged father, her son. She hires a private detective to search for them so as to try to get everyone together on Christmas Eve.
The Stockmans are the perfect couple...young, successful, and deeply in love...but they have one problem: They want children. Since Rachel suffers from severe bi-polar disorder that has to be controlled by lithium, she can't risk getting pregnant. But because of her mental health history, they are bad candidates for adoption. Finally Rachel gives up on the system, and does things her own way...she goes off her drugs and gets pregnant. The ensuing nine months get worse and worse for the young woman, as there are legal battles to end her pregnancy in order to force her back on the drug.
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