In La Belle Verte, a group of extraterrestrials from a harmonious and technologically advanced planet visit Earth to observe its inhabitants. The film explores themes of satire, social criticism, anti-materialism, and anti-consumerism as the extraterrestrials witness the destructive and materialistic nature of human civilization. Through their interactions, they encourage a return to nature, empathy, and spirituality as a way to address ecological and environmental issues. The film also critiques the negative impact of technology and capitalism on the planet, advocating for green living and a more natural way of life. Ultimately, it offers a message of spiritual redemption and the importance of communing with nature.
Johanna Nordblad, a free diver, is the subject of this documentary as she strives to break the world record for the longest distance traveled under ice with only one breath.
Follow a group of extraordinary divers as they plunge into the deep ocean and push the limits of human capability. Witness the breathtaking beauty and danger of the underwater realm as these individuals challenge themselves and commune with nature.
Entheogen: Awakening the Divine Within is a documentary that delves into the use of entheogens, such as psychedelic drugs, for self-exploration and spiritual awakening. It explores the history, rituals, and effects of these substances, as well as their impact on humanity and the environment. The film also examines the clash between science and spirituality, the disillusionment and disconnection experienced by modern society, and the potential solutions to these issues.
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