The Fabulous Baker Boys follows the lives of two brothers, Frank and Jack Baker, who form a struggling jazz duo. As they navigate the challenges of their personal and professional lives, including a love triangle and the pressures of the music industry, they must find a way to keep their dreams alive.
Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street tells the story of how a group of visionaries worked together to create a groundbreaking children's television show that would change the landscape of education and entertainment. Through interviews, archive footage, and behind-the-scenes footage, the documentary explores the origins of Sesame Street and its impact on children's television and popular culture.
John Bronco is a mockumentary comedy that tells the story of the legendary pitchman, John Bronco, and his rise to fame as the face of the Ford Bronco. It explores his journey from a small-town commercial actor to a nationwide sensation, and his eventual fall from grace. With wit, humor, and satire, John Bronco captures the essence of the advertising industry and the cult of celebrity.
An accidental slip reveals that a happily married couple were intimate before marriage.
A schoolteacher helps his friend Dora by getting his students to help him to make a radio commercial.
When Ford Motor Company archivist Daniel Stacks discovers that John Bronco, the greatest pitchman of all time, does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he must find John and convince him to get back in the saddle again.
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