The Big Bang Theory revolves around the lives of four socially awkward friends, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, who are brilliant scientists. They navigate through their personal lives and relationships while often struggling with everyday social situations. The show primarily focuses on their interactions with their neighbor, Penny, an aspiring actress who is not part of their geeky world. The series showcases their geek culture, love for comic books, sci-fi, video games, and their enduring friendship.
After recovering from his drug addiction, a man becomes a superhero known as Super to fight crime and save his wife from a drug dealer. He teams up with a comic book store clerk and takes on the criminal underworld, facing absurd situations and tragicomic encounters.
In the small town of Lake Arrowhead, the dormant volcano Mount Minos suddenly erupts, unleashing an army of zombies. As the town is overrun, a group of survivors must band together to fight the hordes of undead and find a way to escape. Among them are a photographer, a blogger, a police officer, and a group of estranged family members. With the town in chaos and the volcano still spewing lava, time is running out for them to find safety.
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