The Wanda Sykes Show is an American talk show hosted by comedian Wanda Sykes on Fox that debuted on November 7, 2009. The show was announced in March 2009 by Kevin Reilly. Comedian Keith Robinson co-starred as Sykes' sidekick. The show aired on Fox on Saturday nights, replacing MADtv and Talkshow with Spike Feresten. On May 14, 2010, Fox announced that The Wanda Sykes Show was canceled after only one season. The decision left the Fox network with no original late-night programming for the first time since the 1994-95 season.
When Jews Were Funny is a documentary that delves into the world of Jewish comedy, examining its history and the cultural impact it has had. Through interviews with comedians and comedic commentary, the film explores the honest and realistic comedic routines that emerged from the Jewish community, including the use of one-liners, stereotypes, and Jewish humor. It also touches on the experiences of Jewish survivors and immigrants, as well as the influence of Jewish-American culture and Yiddish language in comedy.
In Sleepytown, cross-eyed Sam Smith and Mary Brown are about to get married. But the scoundrel, Jim Jones, wants Mary for himself. Jim uses a publicity still that Sam sent away for against him to show Sam the cad in the eyes of Mary. Disgraced and without Mary, Sam leaves town and heads for Hollywood to redeem himself. Despite not being typical leading man material, Sam is able to make a success of it in Hollywood, and wants to return to Sleepytown a new man and to get Mary back. But Jim will not give Mary up without a fight, he using any means, including lying, to turn the town, including Mary, against Sam, their newly beloved hometown son. This 1939 version was re-edited from a 1921 film with added sound.
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