Voice from the Stone is a suspenseful drama that takes place in 1950s Italy. It follows a young nurse who arrives at a remote castle to care for a mute boy who has lost his mother. However, she soon becomes entangled in the dark secrets of the family and the house, leading to a haunting and mysterious experience.
Snapshot is a 1979 drama thriller about a photographer who becomes increasingly obsessed with a young model he photographs. As the photographer's fixation grows, it sets off a chain of disturbing events, including stalking, murder, and a shocking ending. The plot explores themes of obsession, paranoia, and the dark side of the modeling industry.
As a coach and mentor, Walter Gretzky was instrumental in nurturing the talent of his son, hockey great Wayne Gretzky. So it came as an ironic tragedy when in 1991, just days after his 53rd birthday, Walter suffered a debilitating stroke that left him with no memory of his son's hockey career or his own role in Wayne's achievements.
In 1977, Robyn Davidson, a young woman from Australia, sets out on a solo trek across the Australian desert with only her dog and four camels for company. During her journey, she reflects on her past, overcomes loneliness, and discovers herself.
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