MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "colossus-character" theme.

Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2(2018)


Foul-mouthed mutant mercenary Wade Wilson (a.k.a. Deadpool) assembles a team of fellow mutant rogues to protect a young boy with supernatural abilities from the brutal, time-traveling cyborg Cable. After failing to kill one of his targets, Wade's girlfriend Vanessa is murdered. Blaming himself, Wade attempts suicide but is saved by Colossus. Recovering at the X-Mansion, Wade joins the X-Men and teams up with young mutant Russell Collins to escape prison and defeat Cable. Along with a team called X-Force, Wade and Russell confront the abusive headmaster of Russell's orphanage and alter their futures, with Wade sacrificing himself to save Russell. However, Cable uses his time-traveling device to undo Wade's death and change the future, leading to a mid-credit sequence where Wade uses the device to alter various events.

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Astonishing X-Men
Tv Show

Astonishing X-Men (2012)


Astonishing X-Men (2009) is an action-packed TV show set in a world of superheroes and mutants. Follow the adventures of the X-Men as they battle against evil and protect humanity. With its gripping plot and thrilling action, it is a must-watch for fans of superhero and sci-fi genres.

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colossus character

Discover and explore movies and TV shows that feature a colossus character, a larger-than-life figure who captures the imagination and leaves a lasting impact. From mythical giants to powerful superheroes, these films and series showcase the awe-inspiring presence of colossus characters and the epic stories that revolve around them.

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