In a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, a young man named Eren Yeager joins the fight against the Titans, vowing to eradicate them and reclaim the world for humanity. Alongside his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and childhood friend Armin Arlert, Eren embarks on a dangerous journey filled with mystery, tragedy, and betrayal.
In Attack on Titan: The Roar of Awakening, Eren Yeager and his allies must face the relentless Titans in a battle for humanity's survival. As secrets are revealed and betrayals unfold, Eren's determination to eliminate the Titans grows stronger. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, will Eren be able to uncover the truth behind the Titans and save the world?
Attack on Titan: Crimson Bow and Arrow is a recap movie that focuses on the events of the first season of the Attack on Titan anime series. It provides a condensed summary of the story, highlighting the struggle of humanity against the Titans and the mysteries surrounding them. The movie explores the post-apocalyptic world where giant humanoid creatures called Titans roam, threatening to devour humanity.
In a post-apocalyptic future, humans must fight against giant humanoid creatures called Titans to protect their existence.
Shingeki no Kyojin Picture Drama is a series of Flash animation shorts included in the Blu-ray Disc/DVD releases, featuring the characters in chibi format. Each episode depicts their training days to become humanity's hope in the war against the Titans.
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