Raggedy Ann and Andy, living dolls, embark on a musical adventure to rescue a French doll trapped in a snow globe and bring her to their owner's 7th birthday party. Along the way, they encounter pirates, mutiny, and a perilous journey on a pirate ship.
Olive Granger, an heiress survives a shipwreck in the South Seas and is washed ashore an island along with international crooks Irene Carlton and Fred Morgan, who steal her credentials and escape to America, where Irene poses as Olive. Paul Patterson and Jan Boomer, divers, find Olive abandoned in a cave and fight through the jungle in competition for the girl. While diving for pearls, the treacherous Boomer dies in the clutching coils of a giant octopus. Olive and Paul arrive in New York, expose the impostors, and get married.
In a bower of giant tulips a boy and girl practice flower magic. They cause flowers and birds to open and human forms to issue therefrom, and on the black background of the wonderful garden there appear myriad flowers, in the center of each of which is a smiling feminine head. Tableaux showing pretty girl and flower effects are plentiful and the film winds up with a burst of multi-colored flame, which shoots in fiery splendor from leaves and petals.
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