Dinotopia is a TV show set in a lost civilization where humans and dinosaurs coexist. It follows the adventures of two brothers who find themselves on the island and discover their own destinies. They must navigate the challenges of the island, including sibling rivalry, rebellious dinosaurs, and a political power struggle. Along the way, they learn about friendship, family, and the importance of living in harmony with nature.
Freakonomics is a thought-provoking documentary that dives into various social and economic experiments, revealing surprising insights into human nature. From high-stakes economics to infamous cheating scandals, this film examines the hidden forces that shape our decisions.
Intruders is a miniseries that explores the unsettling phenomenon of alien abductions. Set in the 1990s, the story follows the lives of various individuals who have been chosen as the unwilling subjects of experimental reproductive procedures performed by extraterrestrial beings. As the truth behind the abductions begins to unravel, a government conspiracy is revealed, leading to a desperate struggle for survival. With themes of secrecy, manipulation, and the struggle for reproductive rights, Intruders delves into the depths of the human experience.
This documentary, filmed over a 10-year period, centers on the debate over censorship as it follows Vancouver's Little Sister's Bookstore and its 20-year struggle with Canada Customs over the seizure of books. In the face of bigotry, bombings and repeated book seizures, it wages the most important legal battle in history against Canada Customs.
Documentary about a group of Americans who go to Nicaragua to learn about the conflict between the Contras and the Sandinistas.
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