When the Wind Blows is a movie set in post-apocalyptic England, where an elderly couple tries to survive after a nuclear war. Despite their naivete and lack of preparedness, they cling to hope and attempt to follow the government's advice on surviving the aftermath. As they face various challenges like radiation sickness, lack of food and water, and the devastation around them, their determination and love for each other is put to the ultimate test.
A college student disappears for five ordinary days.
Low Tide is a drama film that tells the story of a 12-year-old boy growing up in a small town. He navigates the challenges of poverty, loneliness, and the absence of his father. The boy finds solace in his friendship with a nurse and his encounters with various characters in the town. As he matures, the boy begins to understand the complexities of life and the choices he must make for his future.
Far from showing a shipwreck as an adventure, La encomienda reveals the traumatic experience suffered by those who fight for their lives in extraordinary circumstances, in which both hopelessness and their own patience become powerful enemies.
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