Project Blue Book is a drama, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, and thriller TV show that follows the true story of the top-secret United States Air Force program called Project Blue Book. Set in the 1950s and 1960s during the Cold War, the show revolves around the investigations of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a brilliant astrophysicist, and Captain Michael Quinn, a skeptical Air Force officer. Together, they delve into UFO sightings and encounters, trying to distinguish between truth and conspiracy while uncovering a web of government cover-ups, military conspiracies, and alien technology. As they dig deeper, they find themselves caught in a web of mystery, encountering mysterious men in black, unexplained phenomenon, and a secret agenda that goes beyond their wildest imaginations.
Dark Skies is a TV show set in the 1960s during the Kennedy era. It follows a young couple who find themselves entangled in a government conspiracy surrounding an impending alien invasion. As they try to save the world, they must navigate through secrets, lies, and sinister forces. The show explores themes of political conspiracy, alien mind control, and the struggle to uncover the truth.
Directors Stephen Spielberg, George Lucas, Ridley Scott and James Cameron discuss the science fiction movies of the 1950s that influenced them.
Two isolated Canadian soldiers come to grip with a difficult order: launch a nuclear strike against the former USSR, some 25 years after the end of the Cold War.
Comprised entirely of archival footage taken during those pre-reality-television years, The Reagan Show looks at how Ronald Reagan redefined the look and feel of what it means to be the POTUS.
A lawyer takes the case of a Navy clerk who sues after he's fired for suspected Communist beliefs.
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