In Monster Hunter, a group of female soldiers is transported to another dimension where they must battle giant monsters. They rely on their military training and weapons to survive in this dangerous new world.
In the movie Demons (1985), a group of friends attends a screening at a mysterious movie theater. Unbeknownst to them, the film they're watching unleashes a horde of demonic creatures. Trapped inside the theater, they must fight for their lives and find a way to escape the clutches of the demons. The movie combines elements of horror, gore, and supernatural elements to create a suspenseful and thrilling experience.
Jacob, a farm boy from Denmark, joins U.N. Brigade's peacekeeping force in Bosnia, where he witnesses refugees trying to escape their war-torn villages. There, Jacob is befriended by Sergeant Holt, a cynical soldier.
Two brothers from a dysfunctional family chase their respective dreams while engaging in other bizarre antics. One brother dreams of becoming a manga artist and the other wants to be a professional baseball player.
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