O Lucky Man! (1973) follows the journey of a young coffee salesman named Mick Travis as he embarks on a surreal and darkly comedic exploration of ambition and corruption. From encountering an evil industrialist to a touring band, Mick faces unjust incarceration, corrupted idealism, and surreal situations that challenge his beliefs. This satirical film delves into themes of power, greed, and the absurdity of modern society.
Abby Foster, a successful executive, is about to start a new life in Paris with her fiancé Edward. However, she receives an unexpected letter revealing that her divorce from her high-school sweetheart Luke was not finalized. This revelation throws Abby's life into chaos as she must now confront her unresolved feelings and decide what truly matters to her.
When an ambitious interior designer is assigned to decorate a mansion for a high-profile client during the Christmas season, she unexpectedly falls for the charming widower and single father who owns the house. As they work together to stage the perfect Christmas, their blossoming relationship faces obstacles like job promotions, family dynamics, and the pressure to choose between love and career.
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