Midnight Express (1978) tells the story of Billy Hayes, an American college student who is caught attempting to smuggle drugs out of Turkey. He is sentenced to a harsh prison where he faces brutal treatment from sadistic prison guards and a merciless warden. As he experiences the horrors of prison life, Billy becomes desperate to escape and seeks the help of a lawyer. The movie explores themes of survival, revenge, and the effects of imprisonment on the human psyche.
Sonny (2002) is a crime drama movie about a young man, Sonny, who tries to build a better life for himself but finds it difficult due to his troubled past. He struggles with his relationship with his mother, who used to be a prostitute, and gets involved in a dangerous world of crime. The movie explores themes of family, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions.
In 'The Falcon and the Co-Eds', a famous actress is found dead under suspicious circumstances, and detective Tom Lawrence must uncover the truth. As he investigates, he becomes entangled in a web of secrets, love triangles, and premonitions. With the help of his trusty sidekick, he navigates a world of betrayal and intrigue to catch the killer.
A teenager named Shane joins a group of outcast boys called the Black Circle Boys, who are involved in dangerous activities and worship a mysterious entity known as The Godfather. As Shane becomes more immersed in the group, he discovers the true extent of their darkness and must make a choice between loyalty and his own morals.
A man, alone in his apartment, is a witness to his own physical and psychic undoing due to a new, extremely powerful and lethal, low-cost drug.
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