EastEnders is a British soap opera that follows the lives of various families and individuals in the fictional East London neighborhood of Walford. The show explores a wide range of social and cultural issues, including crime, drama, romance, and topical issues such as domestic abuse, racism, and HIV. It portrays the everyday lives of its diverse characters, showcasing their struggles, relationships, and triumphs.
Only Fools and Horses is a beloved comedy TV show that follows the adventures of the Trotter family, a working-class British family involved in various schemes and trading. The show revolves around the lives of Del Boy, the ambitious and street-smart older brother, and Rodney, the naive and well-meaning younger brother. Together with their eccentric grandfather and their loyal friends, they navigate the ups and downs of life in their council estate, constantly striving for success and a better life. With its witty dialogue, memorable catchphrases, and heartwarming family dynamics, Only Fools and Horses has become a cult classic that continues to entertain audiences to this day.
When a construction worker accidentally uncovers a graveyard, a group of cockney bank robbers must fend off a horde of zombies to save their grandpa in a retirement home.
A man named Ernie Mott lives in the slums of London, taking care of his sick mother. He falls in love with a woman named Ada and is torn between his love for her and his duty towards his family. As he becomes involved in a theft, he must make a decision that will change his life forever.
Mrs. 'Arris, a loyal friend and old woman, travels from London to Paris to fulfill her dream of visiting a fashion salon. In Paris, she encounters the world of haute couture and finds herself in a dream come true.
A chorus girl is implicated in a murder and a detective sets out to solve the crime in Victorian England.
A Cockney family inherit a ramshackle Devon farm. The rest of the family don't want to leave London but the father insists and off they go, to face the unknown.
After the woman who raised him claims he's not her son, Richard searches for clues about his identity. Urged on by his mentor, Capt. Randolph Courtney, Richard focuses on Julia Trent Anders, a middle-aged actress who just might be his real mother. But soon, Richard begins to fall for Julia's stepdaughter. Amidst the upheaval, Richard schemes to return Julia to the stage -- but he's in for another big surprise.
Documentary exploring the effect of mass immigration on the dwindling white community of the East End, from the perspective of those who remain and those who chose to leave.
This DVD is full of promo clips from the Chas & Dave musical canon and is included the 9-disc Box Set.
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