Titanic II is a thrilling action-adventure movie that tells the story of a modern-day disaster on a passenger ship. The ship, named Titanic II, is on its maiden voyage when it encounters a giant wave caused by the explosion of a nearby glacier. As the ship starts sinking, the passengers and crew must fight for their lives in a race against time and the forces of nature. With thrilling action sequences and heart-stopping moments, Titanic II is a must-watch for fans of adventure, drama, and romance.
When a sheriff discovers a satellite that crash-landed near his town, he befriends the alien kid inside and together they must stop the town from being destroyed by the satellite's control device.
When a geneticist creates a monstrous hybrid creature combining a shark and an octopus, it escapes from the laboratory and wreaks havoc on a coastal community. As people start getting killed one by one, a team of scientists and a brave sheriff must come together to stop the terrifying creature before it becomes unstoppable.
When a fishing trip takes a dark turn, the sole survivor of a shipwreck finds herself trapped with a personification of Satan on a deserted boat. As strange events occur and crew members are murdered, she must discover a rational explanation for the seemingly supernatural occurrences before the stormy ocean claims more lives.
An American agent is assigned to track down a renegade Soviet spy who is building an atomic device in Los Angeles and plans to destroy the city with it.
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