Glow of Fireflies is a heartwarming Japanese TV show that follows the story of two individuals who are secretly in love but face several obstacles as they navigate their cohabitation. The show explores themes of age-gap relationships, boss-employee dynamics, and the complexities of secret romances.
Drama series based on manga H2 by Adachi Mitsuru about two rival high school baseball games. The stars of each team, Hideo and Hiro, happen to be childhood friends.
Single since birth, Yuan Qian and Qin Shen are two people who will probably end up being single for life because they want to. Set against the backdrop of an art school, the story follows students who overcome many difficulties to pursue their artistic ideals. Qin Shen is a student who dreams of becoming a sculptor. A freshman in their department, he is like a god-level existence in their school - cold, disciplined and a perfectionist. However, girls mean nothing to him and he finds dating to be a complete waste of time. Yuan Qian has the appearance of the cute girl next door but has a headstrong personality. She is eloquent and determined such that no one can stop her once she sets her mind to something. However, she has a tendency to pick at other people's shortcomings so much that no guy can impress her.
love story begins when Hirasawa Momoko, the cafe clerk at a hotel, meets a stranger on the hotel's observation deck. Even though they have just met, they repeatedly kiss. The next day, Momoko is unable to forget about it and learns that the man was Hase Kei, the elite hotelier who works at the same hotel and is too "perfect" for her.
In a dystopian society where the government controls all media, a military force is formed to protect books from censorship. The protagonist, a young woman named Iku Kasahara, joins the force and battles against corruption and oppression to preserve freedom of expression.
Set 18 months after movie "Library Wars." After the government's enactment of the Media Betterment Act, battles wage between the Betterment Squads and the Library Defense. The Library Defense resists censorship and advocates freedom of expression. The biggest battle awaits for the Library Defense.
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