In the depths of the jungle, a young boy named Mowgli is raised by a pack of wolves. As he grows older, he must navigate the dangers of the jungle, including encounters with a sinister tiger named Shere Khan. With the help of his loyal friends Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear, Mowgli embarks on a journey of self-discovery and must ultimately decide where he truly belongs.
Tanna is a romantic drama film based on a true story that takes place in a remote tribal community in the South Pacific. The film revolves around a forbidden love story between a young tribal woman and a warrior from a rival tribe. The community is faced with conflicts and struggles, including an active volcano eruption and forced marriages. The film beautifully portrays the traditions and customs of the indigenous people of Vanuatu.
Inspector Bérurier, having inherited a mansion three years earlier, comes to collect rent from the tenant when the latter is murdered under mysterious circumstances. Béru calls Commissaire San Antonio to the rescue, and the two men discover that Laurenzi's hotel is home to a "brothel" whose director, Madame Albertine, soon reveals to the two policemen that Laurenzi was having an ongoing relationship with Helga, one of the boarders, and Mr. Max, a regular guest of the house.
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