Mo' Better Blues is a captivating comedy-drama film set in 1990s New York City. It follows the story of a talented saxophonist and his struggles to balance his love for jazz music, his complex relationships, and his pursuit of success. The film explores themes of friendship, love, rivalry, and the challenges faced by African-American musicians in the industry. With stunning performances and an engaging storyline, Mo' Better Blues is an entertaining watch for music and movie enthusiasts alike.
After a suspended police officer discovers his sexuality, he embarks on a road trip to confront his homophobia and find love in a gay bar.
In the midst of the Prohibition era in 1930s New York City, a poor working girl finds herself becoming a taxi-dancer in order to make a living. She is thrust into a world of wealth and glamour, but soon faces a false accusation of infidelity that threatens to destroy her newfound happiness. As she navigates through the turbulent waters of love and betrayal, she must also contend with the violent underbelly of the city, dealing with gamblers, money lenders, and the constant tension that permeates her life. This pre-code film explores the hardships and struggles of a woman trying to make her way in a challenging world.
When a struggling writer, HIV positive for 20+ years, accidentally deposits a $100 birthday check, he is dropped from his health plan for earning too much. In this new era of sort-of universal care, can he take on a helpless bureaucracy or come up with $3000 a month to buy meds on his own?
Sample People is an upbeat dramatic thriller that follows four groups of Sydney-siders as they seek escape routes over one sweltering weekend. 'Len the dreamer' who stutters shyly just wants the gorgeous DJ Lush Puppy. Sem is a funky musician who has a premonition warning him that his girlfriend, Cleo, is in danger. He just wants to get them both out of their inner-city world. Andy is the charismatic drifter who's conned his way through life and stolen money from his boss, TT. He just wants to head up the coast with TT's girlfriend, Jess, but seems to be falling deeper into a love triangle of drugs and delusion. Finally, there's Joey, a TV affected homeboy, who reveals to his best friend Gus that he's got a gun and will use it sooner or later. The inevitable moment will arrive whin his violent gangster fantisies become reality. As the lives of our heroes become dramatically entwined, the consequences of their actions ricochet off each other.
A passenger ship unexpectedly runs into a typhoon.
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