In this animated comedy short film, a robot butler invents various modern gadgets that cause chaos and hilarity ensues.
Baby Bottleneck (1946) is a Looney Tunes animated comedy short film. The story revolves around a mix-up in a baby delivery service, resulting in various mishaps and chaos. The film showcases the comedic struggles of the characters as they navigate through the challenges caused by the mix-up. It is filled with humorous situations and surreal elements, making it an entertaining watch for both children and adults.
Jane is a rootless young lady who finds an abandoned child and adopts it as her own. The decision, however, leads to great conflict with the child's vicious outlaw father.
A documentary exploring the back-to-the-land movement, counterculture, and flower power of the 1960s. It delves into the ideals of living off the grid, communal living, and the environmental and social experiments of the time.
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