In a post-apocalyptic future, survivors must navigate a world overrun by undead. They face constant threats of violence, revenge, and murder as they try to rebuild their lives and communities. The story follows their struggles for survival, the conflicts within isolated communities, and the friendships formed amidst the chaos. The survivors must confront evil villains and find ways to protect themselves and their communities. Hope, fear, and the will to survive drive the characters as they search for safety and a sense of normalcy in a world filled with chaos and death.
In 'The Deceived,' an English literature professor gets involved with a womanizer and finds herself immersed in a web of gaslighting, manipulation, and deceit. As she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding a fatal fire and a dead woman, she also uncovers secrets about her own past. The show explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the dangerous consequences of keeping secrets.
In the Ozarks, a female veteran encounters a mysterious boy in a small closed community. As she tries to uncover his identity, she realizes he may be a demon child. Paranoia and superstition grip the community as they believe the boy is a soul-eater. With the help of her estranged brother and a love interest, she navigates through the dark forest to protect the community from the evil force.
Produced for Scottish television, Venus Peter was financed by the Orkney Islands Council. The title character is transformed into a "sea child" when he is baptized with salt water. Though his family tries hard to accustom him to life on land, Peter (Gordon R. Strachan) yearns to go to sea -- or, at the very least, to escape his cloistered community. He finds a kindred spirit in Princess Paloma (Juliet Cadzow), the village "looney," who, alas, is eventually carted away to an institution. Briefly fascinated by poetry and music, thanks to his lovely teacher Miss Balsibie (Sinead Cusack), Peter is disillusioned when he finds his teacher in the arms of her lover (and out of her clothing). The final blow to Peter's idealism comes when his grandfather's ship is repossessed. Despite the bleakness of his surroundings and his seemingly dead-end existence, however, Peter never completely lets go of his dreams, and the film ends on a positive note.
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