Vampires Suck is a hilarious spoof comedy that parodies popular vampire movies and mocks the tropes of high school life. The story follows the clumsy and awkward Becca Crane, who finds herself torn between two vampire brothers, Edward Sullen and Jacob White. With a mix of slapstick comedy, cringe-worthy moments, and over-the-top violence, the movie hilariously exaggerates the vampire exploitation genre and cleverly spoofs iconic scenes from movies like Twilight.
Ulises is a dark comedy movie that follows the story of an old man who goes on a fishing trip and gets involved in a mysterious event. As the story unfolds, the man's life takes an unexpected turn as he encounters strange and surreal situations. With minimal dialogue, the movie uses visual storytelling to explore themes of solitude, human nature, and the unknown.
Impeached high school president, Tim Timmerman, seeks to redeem himself and get into Yale.
Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.
If you're black in the UK, the police are 10 times more likely to stop and search you. How would they feel if it was the other way around?
An experimental look at online sexual encounters and relationships through one young man's interactions.
A deteriorating sex addict spots a sex doll outside of his underground apocalypse bunker.
One man's trip to paradise takes a bizarre turn when he can no longer escape his fixation with the motel ice machine.
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