A narcissistic weatherman named Phil Connors finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving Groundhog Day over and over again. At first, he takes advantage of the situation, seducing women and engaging in reckless behavior. However, as time goes on, he starts to dread his existence and becomes desperate to break the cycle. Eventually, he learns to use his time in the loop to improve himself and help others, ultimately finding love and breaking free from the repetition.
Mike Enslin, an author who debunks paranormal occurrences, decides to stay in room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. Despite the room initially appearing mundane, he soon experiences bizarre and terrifying events. As he tries to leave, he realizes that the room is not what it seems and must confront the malevolent forces within.
When a teenager wishes that every day could be Christmas, he gets stuck in a time loop and must learn the true meaning of the holiday through repeated events and heartwarming experiences.
After the death of her husband, a woman moves into an old lake house to start a new life. However, she soon discovers dark secrets within the house that threaten her sanity and safety.
End Day is a documentary thriller that explores a series of catastrophic events such as a volcanic eruption, a viral epidemic, and a black hole, which ultimately lead to the end of the world. The film follows various individuals as they navigate through these devastating events and try to survive.
In the near future, a woman finds herself with the ability to hear people's thoughts. As she tries to uncover the source of her newfound power, she is drawn into a dangerous conspiracy that threatens her life and the lives of those around her.
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