MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "climbing-down-a-drain-pipe" theme.

Daredevil of the Movies

Daredevil of the Movies(1923)


'Daredevil of the movies' is a promotion reel compiled of film extracts showing some of actress and airial artist Emilie Sannom's most daring stunts. She is seen crawling on windmills and church towers, balancing barefoot on sharp spears and parachuting out of an airplane. The film was undoubtedly compiled to to show the skill and courage of Emilie Sannom, which gave her the nick-name 'Daredevil of the movies'. She supposedly showed it to her audience when traveling through Denmark and giving talks about her adventurous career during the 1920s.

Domestic Difficulties

Domestic Difficulties(1916)


Animation from the Mut and Jeff series is a bit crude in it's movement and it's wife with rolling pin humor but even now it's passably amusing.

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climbing down a drain pipe

Discover a thrilling collection of movies and TV series that feature nail-biting scenes of characters scaling down drain pipes. Experience the adrenaline rush as you watch exhilarating moments of suspense and escape. Find your next favorite show or film that will keep you on the edge of your seat as characters navigate through perilous situations. Explore the world of "Climbing down a drain pipe" with SimilarWatch.

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