In the dystopian future, a clairvoyant woman with terminal illness moves to London, where she becomes involved in a love triangle with a cheating husband and a femme fatale. As Guy Fawkes Day approaches, secrets are revealed and the line between reality and fantasy blurs.
Black Rainbow is a 1989 horror-mystery film about a female psychic who has psychic visions of murders. She becomes a whistleblower and is hunted by a hitman. As she goes on tour with her elderly father, she encounters a female ghost and experiences astral projection. The film is set in a southern town and explores themes of fatalism and skepticism.
Angela, an elegant young woman, spends his nights fantasizing about her neighbor, the sensual Anna Maria, a fortune teller to bewitching charm. One evening, Angela finds Anna Maria's body savagely mutilated. In shock, she accidentally breaks the crystal ball of the latter. A crystal that has the real ability to read the future. But will she use her new gift to escape the violent death which has been promised?
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