Cells at Work! is an edutainment anime based on the manga of the same name. It takes place inside the human body and follows the daily lives of anthropomorphized cells, particularly the red blood cell AE3803 and the white blood cell U-1146, as they work together to protect the body from germs and other threats.
Cells at Work! CODE BLACK is a spinoff of the original series Cells at Work! and takes place in a universe where the human body is suffering from various health issues. It follows a red blood cell, who is a new recruit, as he navigates through a body ravaged by alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, and other vices. The series delves into the darker aspects of the human body, showcasing the struggles of different cells as they try to maintain balance and ensure the survival of the body.
Scientist Dr. Sebastian Caine develops a serum that can make a subject invisible but has difficulty reversing the process. He becomes obsessed with his ex-girlfriend and conducts human testing on himself. The reversion fails, leading to aggression and hostility. Sebastian becomes invisible and goes on a killing spree, targeting his colleagues. The remaining team members realize they are the only ones who can stop him. They fight to survive as Sebastian hunts them down. In the end, Linda and Matt manage to kill Sebastian and escape the burning lab.
Michael Mosley takes an in-depth look at blood. He carries out six experiments on his own blood, from starving it of oxygen to injecting it with snake venom and even eating it.
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