Only Fools and Horses is a beloved comedy TV show that follows the adventures of the Trotter family, a working-class British family involved in various schemes and trading. The show revolves around the lives of Del Boy, the ambitious and street-smart older brother, and Rodney, the naive and well-meaning younger brother. Together with their eccentric grandfather and their loyal friends, they navigate the ups and downs of life in their council estate, constantly striving for success and a better life. With its witty dialogue, memorable catchphrases, and heartwarming family dynamics, Only Fools and Horses has become a cult classic that continues to entertain audiences to this day.
A detective, Sam Tyler, is hit by a car and wakes up in 1973, where he must navigate the unfamiliar surroundings of a different era while trying to solve crimes and find a way back to the present. He faces cultural clashes, unorthodox policing methods, and the mystery of why he has been sent back in time.
A writer in New York develops a close relationship with a bookseller in London through letters, sparking a lifelong friendship.
Gene works for the local underworld syndicate but always treats his abductees with kindness. He begins a dangerous affair with ex-bar girl Dolor, who's routinely beaten by her rich husband. When the cops move in on Gene's gang and Dolor's husband winds up dead, the couple flees with the law and their enemies in hot pursuit.
In Rare Birds, a restaurant owner in Newfoundland, Canada, hatches a plan to attract customers by claiming to have found a rare bird. However, his plan takes unexpected turns when the bird goes missing, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police get involved, and his estranged wife asks him for a divorce. As chaos ensues, the restaurant owner must navigate through a series of comedic and dramatic events to save his business and his personal life.
After spending a couple of years behind bars, Lando wins back his freedom. But his prison record has incapacitated him from landing a job. Fortunately, a friend of his knows someone who needs a driver and a bodyguard desperately. But that someone turns out to be Mariel, the very woman whom Lando has had an encounter with. Desperate for a job, Lando agrees to work for Mariel despite his negative impression of her. As expected, their working relationship is as stormy as it can get. But love works in mysterious ways - even the rowdiest of enemies can become more than friends.
A punk infused love story of two street skaters, August and Beto, and their last day on earth: they're gonna end it.
A 1988 Filipino action comedy film starring Palito.
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