The Arrangement (1969) is a semi-autobiographical drama that follows the life of an advertising executive who experiences a midlife crisis. He finds himself in a sad and unfulfilling marriage and embarks on an extramarital affair. The story explores themes of sadness, stream-of-consciousness, and the consequences of his actions. Along the way, the protagonist grapples with his own identity, societal expectations, and the complexities of relationships. The plot is driven by the character's quest for happiness and personal fulfillment. The movie is based on a novel and features elements of advertising, family relationships, and the advertising industry in Madison Avenue during this time period.
A manipulative diva blackmails a married man and insults her secret lover, leading to her murder. As the husband tries to cover his tracks, the lover sabotages him and suggests turning the case into a TV show episode.
Cynthia Warren, independently wealthy through her ability as an illustrator and poster artist, rebels against the premise that every woman is destined for matrimony and motherhood and decides she has as much right as a man to play around.
A portrait of actor/photographer Tom McBride as he succumbs to AIDS.
Admiral Cigarette is a comedic short film from 1897 that highlights the amusing side of cigarette advertising during the late 19th century. The film presents various humorous situations involving cigarette ads and the impact they have on people's lives.
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