Greenleaf is a drama series that revolves around the Greenleaf family, who are leaders of a megachurch in Memphis, Tennessee. The show explores their personal and professional lives, as well as the secrets and scandals that exist within the family and the church. It delves into themes such as adultery, sibling rivalry, betrayal, and the complex dynamics within an African-American family. The series addresses issues like religion, family dynamics, and the struggles faced by individuals within the church community.
Investigating the secrets of Hillsong, one of America's most successful megachurches, and the investigative reporting that led to the dismissal of two prominent pastors.
Priest is a movie about a gay Catholic priest named Greg who is struggling with his faith and homosexuality. Greg falls in love with his secret boyfriend, but their relationship is discovered, leading to a crisis of faith and personal turmoil. The movie explores themes of belief, sexual repression, and the challenges faced by individuals living double lives within the conservative church.
Anna Tellwright lives in the Pottery District in Staffordshire with her young stepsister Agnes & father Ephraim, who is a wealthy man, but a miser. Anna attends the Methodist Church, but their strict rules & her father's thumb on everything she & Agnes do creates a longing for freedom. At 21, she inherits her grandmother's estate & is a now a wealthy young woman.
Man of God is a powerful biographical drama that tells the story of a priest who faces religious persecution and false accusations in the Ottoman Empire. Set in the late 19th and early 20th century, the film follows the priest's journey of faith, his unjust conviction, and his unwavering commitment to his beliefs.
In a suburban neighborhood, the normalcy of daily life is disrupted when a voice of God starts speaking through every radio. The messages from the voice challenge the residents to question their beliefs, reevaluate their relationships, and confront their fears. As the voice continues to speak, tensions rise, secrets are revealed, and lives are transformed in unexpected ways.
After discovering her husband's infidelity, a woman moves in with her in-laws and navigates the challenges of a small town, finding unexpected romance along the way.
When Pete gets amnesia after a car wreck, he assumes the life of an evangelist with the help of of a preacher. After his newfound success, however, his old girlfriend, and her new boyfriend, decide to blackmail Kidd for a search of the money. Kidd's problems intensify as memories start returning--and he thinks he killed the other driver.
A retired surgeon starts giving away money to religious causes and his family tries to file suit, claiming that he's incompetent.
A tough preacher comes to the rip-roaring gold town of Panamint in hopes of reforming it. But disaster awaits.
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.
A group of pioneering nuns bravely stand up to the Catholic Church patriarchy, fighting for their livelihoods, convictions and equality against an all-powerful Cardinal. From marching in Selma in 1965 to the Women’s March in 2018, these women have reshaped our society with their bold acts of defiance.
Polly, a circus performer, falls in love with a preacher and they face numerous obstacles in pursuing their forbidden love.
An elderly rodeo rider, his young grandson and their injured horse help transform the lives of various citizens in a small town. Released in 1946.
Jim Houston, the "Shootin' Iron" Parson, comes to Barren Gulch to reform the morals of the frontier community.
Farina plans a going-away party for Stymie as authorities prepare to place him in an orphanage.
A gambler wanted for murder hides under the guise of a clergyman.
Members of the Hall Johnson Choir play members of a church congregation in the deep South in 1936. THey hold an open-air tent-and-camp meeting in order to raise the funds needed to send the church pastor, played by Clinton Rosemond, to a church conference in Birmingham, Alabama.
A black-face minstrel preacher motivates his congregation in song. Gags include a stockpile of guns outside the church and stolen chickens.
A documentary picture about Finnish Americans. A husband, wife, and a daughter are travelling in the "Wonderland of the West" meeting many Finnish immigrants.
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