Little Tony is a dark comedy that explores the complexities of marital problems and open marriages. The story follows a couple who decides to enter an open marriage, leading to a series of hilarious and unexpected events. With themes of lust, adultery, and unconventional relationships, the movie offers a humorous take on the challenges of modern relationships.
Based on the brief life of the Mexican composer of the famous waltz, "Over the Waves" ("Sobre las Olas"), Juventino Rosas.
A crime wave in Paris results in the hot-tempered Surete Commissioner becoming so stressed-out that he requires bed rest at home. Inspector Clouseau is assigned to see that the Commissioner is not disturbed. But it's Bastille Day, and between the day's ceremonies and a pesky cat- and Clouseau's violent and failed attempts to silence the feline- the Commissioner receives little peace!
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