Concussion is a biographical drama that follows the story of Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist who discovers a link between football-related head injuries and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). As he tries to bring attention to this devastating condition, he faces resistance from the NFL and corporate interests. Based on a true story, Concussion sheds light on the dangerous consequences of playing football at a professional level.
A father, who has trained his son all his life to play football, pauses when his son turns twelve and is about to play tackle football. Journalist Sean Pamphilon went out on a mission to decide when it was appropriate to let his son play the game he's loved all his life.
Tyler Sash was drafted by the New York Giants and became a part of the 2012 Super Bowl winning team. Concussions would cut Sash's career short and the film is paralleled by NFL Hall of Famer Brett Favre's CTE experience.
Requiem for a Running Back is a documentary film that explores the devastating consequences of football injuries, focusing on the impact of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) on players' lives. The film highlights the medical research conducted by Boston University, revealing the alarming prevalence of brain injuries among former National Football League (NFL) players. Through interviews with players, medical professionals, and researchers, Requiem for a Running Back delves into the dark side of American football and raises important questions about player safety and the long-term effects of the sport.
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