On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter and miserly old moneylender, learns the true meaning of Christmas with the help of three spirits who show him the errors of his ways. Through visions of his past, present, and future, Scrooge undergoes a transformation and becomes a generous and compassionate man.
In 1840s London, the miser Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve to help him discover the true meaning of Christmas and find redemption. This musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic novel is filled with delightful songs and memorable moments.
A conceited and cynical television executive, Frank Cross, is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve who teach him the true meaning of Christmas. As he is confronted with his past, present, and future, Frank realizes the error of his ways and seeks redemption. With the help of his ex-girlfriend, Claire, he delivers a heartfelt speech during a live broadcast, embracing the spirit of Christmas and finding love and compassion.
Ethan, Isaac, and Chris have been friends since childhood, and every Christmas Eve they spend the night together doing something fun. But as they grow older, their tradition is coming to an end. In an attempt to make their final Christmas Eve together unforgettable, they embark on a wild night filled with adventure, comedy, and unexpected encounters.
This live-action Christmas musical adventure for the entire family weaves classic Christmas melodies with humor, faith, and new pop songs in a retelling of the greatest story ever told: the story of Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus.
Donovan's Reef is a heartwarming movie set in Polynesia, involving adventure, comedy, and romance. The plot revolves around a war veteran and a colonial governor who reunite in Polynesia to celebrate Christmas. They face various hilarious challenges, including bar fights, beach adventures, and family reunions. The movie explores themes of love, family, and the laid-back Polynesian lifestyle.
In Victorian London, the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. Through these encounters, Scrooge learns the true meaning of compassion and the importance of redemption.
After a divorced mother tells her daughter the perfect Santa Claus can make her wish for a perfect father come true, they encounter a man who may just be the perfect match.
A schoolteacher named John Grant arrives in the remote outback town of Bundanyabba for a short stay before heading back to Sydney. However, he soon finds himself trapped in a nightmarish cycle of drunkenness, gambling, and violence, as he becomes entangled with the town's rough locals. As Grant's moral compass gradually erodes, he must confront the darkness within himself and fight for his sanity.
In 'Christmas in My Heart,' a country music singer and a talented violinist from Charleston, West Virginia, come together to create a beautiful Christmas song. Along the way, they face challenges, discover love, and learn the true meaning of Christmas.
The Christmas Shoes tells the story of a workaholic attorney who meets a young boy with a terminal illness. The boy's mother is dying and all he wants is a pair of red shoes for her to wear in Heaven. The attorney helps the boy find the shoes and learns the true meaning of Christmas along the way.
When a concert pianist returns to her hometown for a Christmas concert, she reunites with old friends and reconnects with her ex-boyfriend. Together, they must overcome challenges and revive their music quartet in time for the performance.
In this stand-up comedy special, Jeff Dunham delivers a hilarious and outrageous Christmas-themed performance, featuring his famous ventriloquist dummies and a mix of wild comedy, absurd humor, and shocking jokes. With a Southern accent and a touch of satire, Dunham takes on various topics including holidays, Christmas traditions, and even terrorism. Prepare to laugh out loud as Dunham brings his unique brand of comedy to the stage in this one-man show.
A Christmas Switch (2018) follows the story of identical twin sisters who switch lives for the Christmas season. One sister is an ambitious attorney while the other is a Christmas fanatic who dreams of becoming a singer. As they experience each other's lives, both sisters learn valuable lessons about love, family, and the true meaning of Christmas.
A teenage boy causes mischief and his family's Christmas is in danger when a computer virus causes Santa's sleigh to crash. He must find a way to save Christmas and bring joy back to his family.
A group of strangers find themselves stuck in a small town during a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, and they must come together to survive and overcome personal and emotional challenges.
When a family goes on vacation, their aggressive dog stays home alone. In the meantime, a group of inventors tries to steal their latest invention. The smart dog must outsmart the thieves and protect his family's home.
A young mother labeled impure. A shepherd boy considered “unclean". Experience Jesus’ birth through their eyes in this blend of "The Messengers" and "The Shepherd" into one special remastered and re-scored story.
A woman finds herself in an alternate reality inside a snow globe where she has the power to create the perfect life, but she soon realizes that perfection may not be what she truly desires.