Three Days and a Life is a suspenseful movie that takes place in a snowy Belgian village on Christmas Eve in 1999. It follows the story of a 12-year-old boy who accidentally kills a dog. Fearing the consequences, he tries to hide the truth, but his actions have far-reaching consequences. The film explores themes of guilt, lies, and the dark secrets that can linger in a small community.
Serial (Bad) Weddings is a hilarious comedy that revolves around a multicultural family and their experiences with cultural differences and prejudices during a series of weddings. The movie explores themes of racism, family relationships, and the clash of cultures in a humorous and heartwarming way.
In post-World War II Germany, a concentration camp survivor encounters an ex-soldier in Berlin. As they navigate the ruins of the city, they must confront their past and seek revenge on the murderers among them.
Anna happily lives with her husband, their two boys, and Simon, 6 years-old, who was placed with her by the Social Care services when he was only 18 months. When Simon’s father decides that he is ready to take his son back with him, the family’s balance is at stake. Anna is torn apart: how could she possibly let go a of child who has always called her ‘Mom’?
In the French Alps in the 1940s, a murder occurs on Christmas Eve, and the residents of a small town become suspects. As the investigation unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the true killer is uncovered.
Camille Morestan serves as a jury member at a court in Paris. The attractive Natalie Roguin is accused of murder. Morestan doesn't want to believe she really killed her lover. He succeeds in convincing the other jury members she was innocent. After her acquittal he takes her into his house. While he tries to keep her identity a secret for his family her presence leads to a number of unfortunate incidents.
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
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